Lighting in a fish tank is essential for the look and feel of the entire setup. If you own a non planted fish tank then lighting is not mandatory, but definitely can add visual value to the set up. However in case of planted tank lighting will play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem?

Plants require light for photosynthesis and a carefully set up lighting system will take care of plant growth. When I say carefully set up it means that excess light can encourage algae growth as well. That is why while picking up aquarium lights it is necessary to fist calculate how much light is really required.

Many lighting equipment devices also have a built-in “blue light” facility that many fish owners prefer for some hours on their fish tank. Ideally speaking if you have a planted tank then anything in between 8 to 12 hours of while light is sufficient for healthy plant growth and photosynthesis process.

If that is the case why bother with “blue light” at all?

Blue light on the fish tank will help crate lighting conditions similar to “moon light”. If you have nocturnal fish in your fish tank then such type of lighting will help to some extent. However it must be noted that keeping blue light turned on all night is not required because it also encourages too much plant growth.

If you are keeping white light turned on for 8 to 12 hours then blue light is sufficient for just 2 hours before the entire lighting system is turned off. The function of blue light is just for visual purpose. Many fish tank owners like the visual display it presents inside the tank because of the colored light. As far as it’s effect on plant growth is concerned then there won’t be much of a difference because the duration of blue light being turned on will be significantly lower (just 2 hours)

Can I Leave Blue Light On In Fish Tank?

You should not keep blue light turned for more than 2 hours in a fish tank. Blue light represent or crates conditions similar to “moon light” in natural conditions. This will help nocturnal fish to experience similar conditions as that in natural world but it still encourage plant growth and a longer duration of this light can result in excess plant growth which is not advisable. You must have a complete darkness hours in your fish tank when neither white not blue lights are turned on.

White or Blue Light For Aquarium?

Whether you must have a white light, blue light or both in your fish tank is a matter of personal choice and budget restriction. But a combination of both will definitely help in enhancing visual quality of your fish tank.

If you have a planted tank then blue light is not required and only white light is sufficient. However if you buy lighting equipment which has a facility to turn on blue light built into it, then this will help. If you have nocturnal fish in your tank then this can be an added advantage. However if you already have a lighting system will only white light, and then you don’t need blue light on your fish tank.

Is Blue Light Good For Aquarium Plants?

Blue light is neither good nor bad for fish tank plants. However turning on blue light for a longer amount of time will encourage excess plant growth and this can be a little problem in your tank.

What Color Light Do Fish Like?

When it comes to choosing lighting for fish tank always look at the natural world and then decide. In natural world sunlight is the main source of light. So ideally speaking white light is best for your fish and also the best choice if you have a planted tank. While choosing colored lights for your fish tank think of it’s effect on plant growth.

Too much white light on your fish tank can encourage algae growth and this will put lots of load on filtration system. While picking up lights 2 to 4 watts per gallon of water capacity will be sufficient for a planted tank. So fish primarily prefer white light as the light source and if you want to add more visual quality to your fish tank then colored lighting can be a choice.

Can Fish See Blue Light?

A blue light in an aquarium represents or tries to duplicate “moon light” conditions found in nature. Nocturnal fish prefer blue light because this creates conditions that are present in the natural world during late evening hours. Too much blue light or for longer hours, is not recommended. You can have a blue light in your fish tank with a timer facility attached that will switch off the blue light after 2 hours. Just like white light, blue light also encourages plant growth in a planted tank.

That is why whether to install blue light in your fish tank or not is a matter of personal choice. If you already have a white light set up then, setting up blue light is not required. Many fish owners prefer blue light to be turned on during late evening hours just to create a “mood” in their fish tank and because a fish tank is a part of their home interior design set up. Scientifically white light is sufficient for healthy growth and maintenance of a planted tank.

If you are planning to buy lighting for your fish tank then depending upon your budget and theme preference, you may buy a system where blue light or “moonlight” facility is built into the unit. Many times it is controlled using just a small switch to flip between white light and blue light with an arrangement to control the brightness for both white and blue light. It will be perfect if you also add a timer facility to this set up because too much blue light is not recommended for a planted tank

What Does Blue Light in Fish Tank Do?